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HTTP API Gateway

The HTTP API Gateway is used by the Arbiter React client to connect particpants to a the video conference room associated with the URL from which the Arbiter client is loaded.

Get Room ID

Get the roomId of videoconferencing room associated with urlPath.

URL : /getRoomId?urlPath={path};`

Method : GET

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content examples For a client served from the the value of urLPath will be myRoom. If the database has a record of a room is associated with urlPath, then the roomId is returned.

"roomId": 1234

Error Responses

Condition : Database has no record of a room associated with urlPath.

Code : 404 Not Found

"message": 'Room not found'

Condition : A server error occurred.

Code : 500 Internal Server Error

"message": 'Something broke on the server'

Claim Room

Assign an existing room to the supplied urlPath and return roomId.

URL : /claimRoom;`

Method : PATCH

Content type : application/json

Payload :

"urlPath": "myRoom"

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

"roomId": 1234

Error Responses

Condition : urlPath is not supplied

Code : 400 Not Found

"message": 'missing urlPath'

Condition : There is no room available to be claimed. (A room will need to be created.)

Code : 404 Not Found

"message": 'Room not found'

Condition : A server error occurred

Code : 500 Internal Server Error

"message": 'Something broke on the server'

Create Room

Creates a new unclaimed room and creates record in the database.

URL : /createRoom;`

Method : PUT

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

"message": "Task started successfully!"

Error Responses

Condition : A server error occurred

Code : 500 Internal Server Error

"message": 'Failed to start task.'

WebSocket Gateway

The WebSocket gateway is the Arbiter signaling server. Arbiter clients (videoconference participants) and SFU instances connect to it to negotiate WebRTC connections and to manage call state (i.e. particpants entering and exiting a call).


The $connect route is called when an Arbiter client establishes a WebSocket connection. A unique identifer connectionId is written to the database to identify the WebSocket connection


The identify route should be called by an Arbiter client after a WebSocket connection is established. The purpose is to write metadata to the database that is used to route subsequent messagages between clients and an SFU.

Payload :

action: "identify",
data: {
id: "123",
roomId: "789",
type: "client",

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Error Responses

Condition : type is missing from dataobject in paylong

Code : 400 Missing valid type property


Condition : A server error occurred

Code : 500 Internal Server Error


The handshake route is called by an Arbiter client to negotiate a WebRTC connection with an SFU. It is called multiple times to transfer Session Description Protocol (SDP) offers and to transfer Internet Connection Establishment (ICE) candidates

Payload : Content example When a Client sends an SDP offer candidate will be an offer SDP

action: 'handshake',
data: {
type: "producer",
sender: "1234",
description: {localDescription},
roomId: "789",

Content example When a Client sends an ICE candiate candidate will be an ICE candiate

action: 'handshake',
data: {
type: "producer",
sender: "1234",
candidate: {candidate},
roomId: "789",

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Error Responses

Condition : webSocket connection id is not found in database

Code : 400 WebSOcket Connection Not Found

Condition : A server error occurred

Code : 500 Internal Server Error


The disconnect route is called by an Arbiter client when a participant leaves a video conference. The client's database entry will be deleted. Other participants in the room will be notified.

Error Responses

Condition : A server error occurred

Code : 500 Internal Server Error